I’m sick. It started Thursday night. My kid had a cold all week, and now I’ve got it. I’m not going to worry about what I eat or anything else. I’m just trying to get as much rest as I can, to get over this as quickly as possible. I had to cancel a lot of stuff, but that’s the way I roll. Better to rest and get well than to drag my ass around feeling miserable. I’ve got some stuff I can’t skip tomorrow evening, and there’s a thing I’ve got to go to tonight. I’m not sure if I’m going to go.
The thing about being sick is that it’s a reminder how awesome being healthy is. If I can get through this in a few days, I’ll consider myself lucky. In a few years, my kid will be off at college (I hope) or at least moved out of the house and won’t be bringing home the pathogen of the week. Until then, I need to rest up and take good care of myself.
I don’t usually supplement, but here’s what I’m doing while I’m sick:
- Zinc: I don’t know if this works, but why the hell not. Pro tip: don’t take zinc on an empty stomach! It’s like eating a bunch of metal. Oh, right, it is.
- Vitamin B complex with Vitamin C: I got the B complex pill to help with triglycerides, but that and a little extra C might help too.
- Chewable multivitamins: I go with chewable whenever I can because I think the absorption is much better. A friend of mine at MIT did a study of multivitamin absorption. He said that they could see those giant horse pills just sitting in the GI tract, not being broken down or dissolving. The problem with chewables is that they’re loaded with sugar. But, right now, I don’t care.
- Two aspirin, twice a day: this really helped with the sinus headache. I usually take two a day, but while I’m suffering, I’m going to double my dose.
That’s it. No need for a decongestant. I drank a lot of water, and continue to do so. I also had a lot of tea, hot, to burn up the crap that’s trying to make a home in my throat. And finally, I gave myself an ice cream headache by adding frozen blueberries to a bowl of Cheerios and almond milk. That really took the edge off of the sinus pressure!