I got serious about improving my overall health; now, I need to get serious about losing weight
I’ve make some great strides in improving my overall health, especially over the last year.
But, after my seasonal weight gain, I haven’t made much progress at all in taking it off, and here we are in March. I haven’t really moved the needle very much, except in the wrong direction (up!).
It’s time to get serious about losing weight. I need to lose lots of weight. I’ve added 20 lbs since the end of last October. My blood pressure was good back then.
That 20 lb I just added over the last few months is the difference between my doctor saying “looks good” and “looks like you need blood pressure medication.”
I’ve made some positive gainz over the winter. I’m stronger, and more limber, thanks to kettle bells and yoga, respectively. But I’m much heavier too. I don’t feel bad, I feel pretty healthy, actually. Regular exercise will do that, I think.
But I’m carrying too much weight. I’m not going to lose it by exercising more. In fact, I’ll probably put on more weight if I increase my exercise levels.
I’m very physically active these days. Nothing crazy, mind you, but I’m closing my rings most days on my Apple Watch. That translates to a half hour of exercise and over 1000 calories burned above and beyond my basal metabolism.
But it hasn’t translated into weight loss.
I’ve got to cut down on the number of calories I eat.
How am I going to do that? That’s the question. I’m going to answer it here.
In the meantime, I just went to my new doctor and got the results back from my blood test. I’m going to run an experiment and see what I can do to improve my numbers.
This includes my weight, but also my blood work Everything is in the normal range, except for my LDL cholesterol and my blood pressure. The last time those numbers were down where my doc and I wanted them I weighed less, like 20 lb less.
Time to get serious about losing weight. Check back here for updates on my progress. I’ll write about what I did to make it happen, how I screwed up, and what I learned.
This is the day when I start.
Featured Photo by Valentin Petkov on Unsplash