Fasting Keto Running


Yesterday I ran the furthest I’ve run in a while, not particularly fast, but a good trail run, lots of hills. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed it. That is what matters to me: I got outside, ran around in the woods. I stopped to give an older gentleman directions, and then met some kids at the top of one of the hills and answered their questions about my five-finger vibram shoes.

I ran while I was fasting, and then I cleaned up and went to a memorial service for my friend’s father. He was a college professor, well respected, so a lot of other professors spoke at the service. Not surprisingly, the service went long, over two and a half hours. By the end I had been fasting for more than 21 hours.

I started socializing with some friends after the service, as we headed over to the reception, but then I caught a whiff of the food, and I excused myself and headed right to the closest table and loaded myself up with a plate of keto goodness. I was ravenous.

Did I mention that there was an open bar? I had red wine, and all the keto food I could eat. I was enjoying a good wine buzz by the end of the reception. I took my time walking to the car, and drove safely home, and drank a lot of water. For desert, I had dark chocolate and cashews. and then drank lots of water.

This morning, I woke up feeling pretty good. Amazingly, no hangover, and even more amazingly, I was still in ketosis. I was a little hungrier than usual, even after I had a few kups of keto koffee. So, after 17 hours of fasting, I had my sausage and vegetable special.

The bad news: my weight was up 3.3 lbs, probably because of all the wine. I’ll see how long it takes to burn through my excess. Mostly, it was the wine, I think, We’ll see over the next few days.

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