
Hello world! Welcome to Bye Bye Blubber

I’m going to keep track of what I do to improve my health, lose fat, and get in better shape, right here on this site.

Maybe I can learn something useful. Maybe you can learn something from what works, and doesn’t work, for me.

I’m going to try to be real on this website, to tell you the truth about what I’m going through. I’m also going to talk about bodily functions, like eating, and also the elimination of waste.

I’m going to reveal some of my health problems, too, because that’s part of being honest with you about what I’m going through.

To encourage this kind of honesty, I’m not going to reveal information that will help you identify me. I’d like to have some privacy, and I hope you can respect that too.

Also, if you post on this blog, please don’t reveal identifying details about yourself, either. Since I screen the comments, I’ll try to prevent anything too revealing from getting out, but you are ultimately responsible for what you post here.

Related to that, please treat the people who participate in this conversation with kindness and respect.

One of the things that’s so frustrating to me when it comes to health, medicine and weight loss is how harsh and dogmatic some people get. This is not the place for religious debates, or personal attacks!

There’s plenty of other sites like that out there.

I’m going to do my best to be honest and to provide evidence to back up any claims, assertions, or theories. I’ll also listen and even admit I’m wrong, if the facts point in that direction.

That’s the whole reason I’m writing this: so much of what I’ve learned and believed in the past about health, exercise, and weight loss turns out to be completely wrong. So I’ve already had to admit that.

Thanks for joining the conversation!

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