Weight Loss

Day 1: after an insane cheat day

After yesterday’s insane “cheat day,” it’s time to face the music Yesterday, I decided to get serious about losing weight. That’s because yesterday was also an insane “cheat day:” I ate whatever the hell I wanted. Let’s see: pasta eggs cheese cake coffee cream muffins part of a donut nuts whatever. In other words, the […]

Weight Loss

Day 0: It’s time to get serious about losing weight

I got serious about improving my overall health; now, I need to get serious about losing weight I’ve make some great strides in improving my overall health, especially over the last year. But, after my seasonal weight gain, I haven’t made much progress at all in taking it off, and here we are in March. […]

Fasting Keto Weight Loss

Good news at the doctor’s

I rode my bike to my doctor’s appointment while fasting today and got some good news


Bone broth bounty

How I made my first (and second) batch of bone broth, including a recipe for chicken bone broth.

Weight Loss

Keep an eye on the big picture

It seems like my weight loss has stalled over the last few days, as I’ve been weighing in an my weight is basically the same, if a little lower each day. I looked at the trend line and noticed a sharper dip in the last few days, if I look at my weight over the […]


How To Find Your Ketogenic Diet Carb Limit | Ruled Me

How To Find Your Ketogenic Diet Carb Limit | Ruled Me — Read on

Food Keto

I just can’t knock myself out of ketosis

Although I overindulged, eating and drinking much more than usual, I still stayed in ketosis

Fasting Food Keto

A 24-hour fat fast = 3 lb lost

Today, I did a bit of a variation on the 24-hour fast. I fasted for 16 hours, no calories at all. I had a Powerade Zero, about five hours into my fast, after my run, which is great for maintaining my electrolytes post-workout. Then, after I had gone over 16 hours with exactly zero calories, […]

Food Keto

Vegan keto stir fry

Keto doesn’t have to be meat! Here’s a delicious, completely vegan and keto friendly dish you can prepare quickly and easily. It’s easy to modify this recipe — see the optional ingredients list below. The macro-nutrients are great for keno: Vegan Keto Stir Fry Recipe Easy to prepare, serves 4. Vegan, keto friendly. Ingredients 1 […]

Science Weight Loss

Terrifying test results

My lipid panel results from this April were so terrifying that I realized I had to get serious and lose some weight. I had also done a carb binge a few days before the test and my triglycerides were through the roof — over 2,000, and normal is considered less than 140. My triglycerides have […]