
I started this site because:

  • I was sick and tired of getting diet and health advice from skinny people.
  • I started to realize that most of what passes for nutrition advice, or advice on how to lose weight, is either utter bullshit or exactly wrong.
  • Even when I asked doctors and other people who should know better on advice about food and exercise, they didn’t seem to know anything except for the prevailing bullshit.

I’m not in amazing shape. I’m carrying around too much weight, and I’ve got some health problems.

But I’ve started making some changes in how I eat, how I exercise, and how I take care of myself, and it’s starting to make a difference.

As in, I’m starting to feel really good. Better than I have in years, in fact, and it’s not from following the usual advice.

So, here’s a record of my journey to good health, of what I’ve learned, and what I’m still learning, and all of the mistakes I’ve made along the way.

Maybe you can learn something from all of my mistakes, missteps, and successes.

Remember, I’m not a doctor, and I don’t play one on TV, either. This is not medical advice, and I’m not conducting rigorous double-blind clinical trials here.

But I will look for relevant research, and if I can find any science to back up what I’m doing here, I’ll share it with you.

Whenever possible, I’ll provide a link to the actual science publication, not just the attention-grabbing click-bait headline.

Also, if you have any questions, or comments, please share them in the comments section below each post.

I moderate the comments here, so don’t bother spamming the comments.

This isn’t a place to promote your site or your product or whatever.

It’s certainly not a place to demean or criticize people who are trying their best to find their way to good health and happiness, despite the mountains of bad information that’s out there, that makes it very hard to find good health advice.

So, please be considerate if you want to post a comment, and remember to be kind to the people who are probably struggling with the same challenges and difficulties that you are, too.

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